Recent News and Updates
I am once again going through the site and making some changes. The traffic has not been good because Google does not 'like' the site as much as it has in the past. I suspect that most of that is a weakness in their algorithm but I am doing some things that may help. I am also asking for help from you - my visitors.
The reprint articles have all been moved to the Sound Articles section of the site. The articles on the main site are original or curated content. I have improved the Shopping Guide. It now is divided into sections and has some information about the sites. These sites all have affiliate programs in which I participate, so if you use the links to visit the sites listed in the Shopping Guide and make a purchase you will help with the expenses of maintaining the site.
There will soon be a page with some ideas that you can do to help the site become better. You will know when it is up by the red 'help wanted' sign at the top of the nav column. I need to set up some social media pages before I go live with the new page. If you have any suggestions please leave a note in the Message Center or drop me an email at the address on the Contact Us page.
I am again going through the site doing some minor updates. You should now be able to reach the home page by clicking the 'Mixing Live Sound' site name at the top of the page. I have also updated the bookstore with more titles and a different format. There are more changes in the works, so check back often!
There is a new blog associated with this site. I have named the blog 'Live Sound Mixing Tips'. I will be adding a tip from time to time, I hope at least once a week. Check out the new blog and leave a comment if you have something to add to a post.
I have listed some of my extra equipment on the new For Sale page of the site. I have also included an Equipment Store featuring the Amazon catalog of Live Sound and Lighting Equipment.
I have just added several feeds
to various industry news sources. Stop by often to keep up with the
news of the industry! Also, Subscribe
to our feed so that you
know when new articles and updates are posted to the site.
If you know anyone who would be interested in what this site has to offer or who would be interested in contributing articles you can send them a link by clicking HERE.
I would also like to hear of topics that you would be interested in reading about, so please submit your questions or suggestions HERE or leave a note in the Message Center.
I would also like to invite others to submit articles about the wonders of live sound. There should also be a true stories section from my experiences, and I invite others to submit stories and pictures that they have taken to be posted. If you would like to contribute stories, articles, or photos you can contact me HERE.
I am updating the site. If you have visited previously you may notice some changes in the look of things. I have moved the articles index to the left side and am offering quick tips on the right. The tips are in a random rotator, so they may or may not be different on each visit. I will be adding tips from time to time, so the material should stay fresh.
I have moved the information about me to an About Us page. Those of you that are interested in my resume may check it out either through this link or the link at the bottom of any page.
You can hear some of my live recordings on my business web site or, for music while you surf the web, check out the players at The AudioArt MusicPlayer. These recordings are direct form my mixing board to a CD burner. There is minimal post production work done on these recordings, primarily just cutting out the between songs interaction with the crowd. I was very limited on space until I recently moved the site to my paid hosting space, so I intend to put up some more music in the near future. I may even add a player to this space at some point.
I am assembling a shopping guide of Online stores that stock merchandise of interest to the musical community. You can find the shopping guide here.