The Files Have a New Home

I have just moved the files and databases for the site to a different server with a different hosting company. If you are reading this the move appears to have been a success. I checked the comments, article sections, and now the blog. The telltale that will disappear soon are the words ‘test marker’ at the top of the right column, so that I would know when I was viewing the site on the new server.

Part of the reason for the move is that I think this server is a bit faster. I will have a graphical representation of that available to me in a few days. I intend to move a few things around and do some long overdue updates to the site over the next few weeks. That should have been done while I was slow in the production business over the winter, but I didn’t get everything done that I had wanted to do.

If you see this post in the next couple of weeks please leave a comment about the user experience, particularly if you have visited recently and the site seems faster (or slower)!



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Special Messages

I have been updating and adding some new content to my Mixer in a Box site. The site has some information about the software that I use for live virtual mixing of sound.

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